Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to Make Your Own Makeup Toner by Robin McDonald

Hi guys, welcome back to The Kitchen. I'm your Kitchen beautician, Robin McDonald. Today's video is how you can make your own makeup setting toner. Now this is a great thing for people that, you know, maybe their skin is a little dry and the makeup seems to crack a little bit during the day like mine. It's a great touch-up and also for a coolness, just cooling off on a hot day. It's a great misty kind of wonderful uplifting feeling. So here's what you're going to need. I have about a half a cup of distilled water, the juice of half a lemon, some parsley and cucumbers. Parsley has a real nice redness diffusing calming property. Cucumbers diffuse redness in skin and lemon is a great exfoliant. So what we're going to do is start with half a juice, sorry, juice of half a lemon, you can see there's some seeds falling in there but we're going to strain them out so don't worry. Now I'm going to take a muddler and just muddle the parsley a little bit just to release the juices. You don't have to smash them down, like I said we're going to strain this so just muddle it enough to get the juices going there. Same thing with the cucumbers, just mash them up just a little bit. Once you feel you've got some juice running around in the bottom, just dump everything right in there. Again this is just distilled purified water, take a whisker, just mix it up a little bit. Now what you're going to need and I don't have with me is a strainer. Once you've strained this out, get yourself a funnel, a small one and an atomizer like this which you can buy, you know, any drugstore, Target, health food store, everybody has them and pour the strained concoction into this atomizer and then during the day, oh, it feels fantastic, you've got to try it. Thanks for watching. I'm Robin McDonald, your Kitchen beautician. Visit me at Have a great day

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